
Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

A VCE Program is a set of semester units taken over a minimum period of two or more years. This program is designed by you to meet your needs within the rules laid down by VCAA and within College policies

Yvette Staple

VCE co-ordinator

What is a VCE Program?

A VCE Program is a set of semester units taken over a minimum period of two or more years. This program is designed by you to meet your needs within the rules laid down by VCAA and within College policies.

Counselling is available to ensure that you choose the program  which best meets your needs.

We generally advise students to complete 20 – 24 units over a two/three year period. This would usually involve 5 units per semester in Year 11 and 5 units per semester in Year 12.

Board of Studies Requirements

To be awarded your VCE you must satisfactorily complete at least 16 units which must include: – 3 units of English – 3 Unit 3 & 4 sequences (other than English). This may include VET Sequences.

Choosing a Program

Take advantage of the counselling available and the expertise within the college. All discussions you have should be guided by the need to identify your interests and abilities and link these with appropriate work/career choices. – Talk to: parents, careers teacher, VCE coordinators, other teachers and friends.

What is a VCE Program?

A VCE Program is a set of semester units taken over a minimum period of two or more years. This program is designed by you to meet your needs within the rules laid down by VCAA and within College policies.

Counselling is available to ensure that you choose the program  which best meets your needs.

We generally advise students to complete 20 – 24 units over a two/three year period. This would usually involve 5 units per semester in Year 11 and 5 units per semester in Year 12.

Board of Studies Requirements

To be awarded your VCE you must satisfactorily complete at least 16 units which must include: – 3 units of English – 3 Unit 3 & 4 sequences (other than English). This may include VET Sequences.

Choosing a Program

Take advantage of the counselling available and the expertise within the college. All discussions you have should be guided by the need to identify your interests and abilities and link these with appropriate work/career choices. – Talk to: parents, careers teacher, VCE coordinators, other teachers and friends.

Curriculum Flexibility

At Sale College our aim is to provide a wide range of options and to assist you to select a program which best meets your individual needs. You should carefully consider the following options and challenges in selecting your individual program of study:

Download the VCE Booklist

Macalister Campus Handbook